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What can we eat to age beautifully? It seems that we are all trying to find the magic secret of healthy ageing.
If you try to look good, without resorting to cosmetic surgery, we can find a secret ingredient right under our noses. Some experts say that the secret to healthy ageing is found in a grocery store: fruits, vegetables, green tea and a variety of other healthy foods that are rich in antioxidants and other anti-ageing compounds.
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How can we fight premature ?ageing
Adopting a healthy lifestyle that includes regular exercise, adequate rest, avoidance of smoking and a diet rich in healthy foods and fluids can be the best way to fight age.
Adopting a healthy diet is the key to delaying the onset of ageing and its associated diseases; The earlier this is done, the more obvious the results, says Susan Moores, a representative of the American Dietetic Association.
Certain foods and beverages contain substances called phytonutrients, substances that can slow down the ageing process. Phytonutrients, part of the antioxidant family, neutralize free radicals – oxygen molecules that play an important role in triggering diseases such as osteoporosis, cancer, heart disease and Alzheimer’s disease.
As we age, we become more susceptible to the long-term effects of oxidative stress (a situation in which the body has excess free radicals) and inflammation at the cellular level. The theory supports the idea that antioxidants and other similar compounds have the role of counteracting the effects of free radicals and thus slows down the ageing process.
What foods should the anti-ageing diet contain
To get the maximum benefits, we must consume a wide range of foods. The anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects of food are known, but it is assumed that there are other effects against free radicals, effects that promote health and prevent disease, “says Moores. Moores suggests including healthy foods and beverages in the healthy eating plan. to prevent the occurrence of diseases and slow down the ageing process:
- Fish: according to the guidelines of the American Cardiac Association, it is recommended to eat fish twice a week, it is recommended especially fatty fish that is rich in omega-3 fatty acids. This is a powerful anti-inflammatory food with a multitude of beneficial effects.
- Fruits and vegetables are very rich in antioxidants; intensely coloured ones are recommended and at least 5 servings per day will be consumed for maximum benefits.
- Whole grains provide soluble fibre that helps lower blood cholesterol levels, also contain phytonutrients in amounts comparable to those in fruits and vegetables. Consume at least 3 servings a day.
- Vegetables contain beneficial nutrients, similar to those contained in fruits and vegetables and contain very few calories. They can be added to menus 3-4 times a week.
- Yoghurt contains all the benefits of dairy products, in addition, they contain biological products that help the development of intestinal bacteria. It is recommended to consume yoghurt that contains active cultures, at least one portion daily.
- Walnuts or hazelnuts are an important source of B vitamins, beneficial for the heart or brain.
- Water is essential for maintaining hydration of the skin, muscles, circulation and all organs of the body. It is recommended to consume 3-4 glasses of pure water in combination with other liquids and foods rich in water.