Try These 10-Minute Movement Snacks

Try These 10-Minute Movement Snacks

Schedules get hectic this time of year, whether you’re spending more time at holiday parties, prepping for family gatherings, or trying to meet a last-minute deadline. It always seems like there’s just not enough time to accomplish everything you need to do before the end of the year. So fitting in an hour-long workout? Nearly impossible. But that doesn’t mean you can’t squeeze in some form of movement between all those obligations.

Enter: movement “snacks” or short bouts of exercise that last, say, 10 minutes each—and a 14-day workout challenge that will get you in the mindset of moving consistently, even if not for long.

Research backs up the benefits of short bursts of activity, particularly when it comes to breaking up your time spent sedentary. One study found that just five minutes of exercise can lead to better blood flow to the brain, helping improve your focus, while other research found that batches of moderate-intensity activity (even just two minutes of bodyweight squats) can support muscle building. The World Health Organization’s 2020 update on activity guidelines even mention that activity breaks of 10 minutes or less can provide protection against early death. And finally, recent research from the University of Sydney suggests that a quick one-minute blast of vigorous-intensity movement can help you ward off all-cause, cancer-related, and cardiovascular disease-related mortality.

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With that in mind, we designed this 14-day workout challenge to help you maintain your fitness and get those movement snacks in each day during the holidays. Read on to find out exactly how each workout can benefit you, your riding, and your health—plus, how to adjust them so that you only need to set aside approximately 10 minutes.

14 day workout challenge, 10 minutes a day

Tom Messina


Week 1

Day 1: 10-Minute Full-Body Workout

This workout

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